Step 1:
Choose your favorite items from the list
If you have any queries regarding the sizes, colours, discount, postage or order of the items, please feel free to drop us an email or msn, we will be willing to reply you at anytime, including office hours, this is to ensure that you will shop at your convenience.
*因为货品常常售完,请各位询问有无存货哦~~* The order is subject to stock availability
以email或msn下订单,注明要用哪一种邮费寄出(pos laju或pos ekpress),我们会尽快回复汇款的总数。
Please place your order via email or msn, and specify the delivery service (pos laju or pos ekpress), we will reply promptly the total amount of payment that you need to pay.
Upon payment, please notify us the following details:-
Mobile no.:
Mailing Address:
Bank-in amount:
Bank-in date:
Code of goods:
Your clothes will be delivered to your doorstep soon~~
购买须知 Terms & Conditions:
1. 商品所显示价格不包括邮费。
All prices shown are not inclusive of postage
2. 由于电脑显示器不同,色调设置不同,所以不接受以颜色不喜欢,穿着不舒服,做工质量不好,没有 图片中的漂亮,好透明,太大或者太小等理由退货/取消订单。希望各位在购买前要考虑清楚哦!
The colours shown on the monitor may vary from computers, in the event that the goods are not up to customers’ satisfaction due to colour run, not comfortable wearing, imperfect cutting, different from actual image, over transparent, too big or too small orany subjective reasons we will not refund/cancel the order due to the aforesaid reasons.
3. 衣服的实际尺码和尺码标表存在一定的偏差,由于面料厚度,裁剪,编制等缘故无法避免会有1-2CM的偏差。(我们不接受衣服的尺寸与所标示尺寸相差而退换 货) The actual measurement of the clothes may vary due to unavoidable circumstances, we will not accept goods return due to the sizes vary
4. 衣服标价已经是最合理的价钱,谢绝议价。
The goods are sold at reasonable price, we appreciate no further bargain
5. 邮寄日子是每个星期的星期一、星期四和星期六(每月第一个星期六除外)。
Delivery service will be scheduled on every Monday, Thursday and Saturday (except for the first Saturday of the month)
6. 顾客下单后,在三天内请付100%的款项。如逾期汇款,订单将会被取消。
Upon placing order, customer shall make full payment within 3 working days. Delay of payment shall deem as cancellation.
7. 付款后要取消订单,只退回50%款项。
Should there be any cancellation with valid reason after payment is made, only 50% of payment will be refunded.
8. 如邮寄途中遗失或損坏,恕不负责。
We will not bear any responsibility on loss or damage incurred during the process of delivery.
9. 请各位E-mail或者MSN我们下单,我们会尽快回复。
Please place your order via email or msn, we will reply you soonest as possible.
10. 邮费至西马Postage to West Malaysia:
Pos laju 1st 500gm RM6,接下来每250gm RM1
Pos Laju, 1st 500 gm – RM6, additional RM1 for every 250 gm subsequently
邮费至东马Postage to East Malaysia:
Pos laju 1st 500gm RM9,接下来每250gm RM2
Pos Laju, 1st 500 gm – RM9, additional RM2 for every 250 gm subsequently
Pos Ekpress一律 RM5(只限1-2件)
Pos Ekspress is RM5 (limited to 1-2 pcs)
11. 货品在寄出时已检查过了,所以不接受衣服有破损或瑕疵而要求退货。
We check all our goods for quality and defects before sending them out. All items are in perfect condition as we deliver.
12. 收到商品确认无误后,请各位尽快通知我们哦!
Once you have received the goods, please don’t forget to let us know!*_*